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Hello Blog Readers, Hey! Its been a while huh? Well, since Winx aired on Nic I haven't been such a good fan. I don't really like how nick has dealt with it. (They made season one too short for me, I wanted to see all of the little tidbits not just the main plot.) But, I saw how they are doing the newer episodes, and figured, "what the heck, Nick is trying." So, I am going to try to be a good fan again. Wish me luck! So far, I have recreated Cira (again lol) and also created two new characters, Blair, fairy of death (omg creepy rite, at least it is pretty original .3.) and Angel, fairy of battel and weoponry (weird, I know, but the original character was excellent in battle and a whiz with all kinds of weapon, I wanted to keep that.) Also, a plotline for a possible FanFic is being worked on so keep your eyes peeled for more of that. (Yes, I know I failed at my first fanfic but this one will be much better is I auctually write it.) Well, I think that is all for now, bye! ,Winx4eva