Hello blog reader,

Welcome to my blog. I would greatly apprecitite that if you visit please leave a comment. Thank You.



This weeks poll is...
Do you think winx club shoould have popular celebirty (like selena gomez taylar swift etc.) Gueststar to raise viewers?

If you answer "Huh?" the go ahead and ask whats confusing you

Selena Gomez Winx Style

In other words try to figure out this puzzle

Winx Club Picture Puzzle



Hello blog readers,
A while ago the poll was ove but i wasent able to go online so i couldent change it. And my computer is still having troubles so for now heres this weeks poll results...

In honner of Pop Pixie What is the cuteist Pixie

Chatta 2 (40%)

Amorea 2 (40%)

Piff 4 (80%)

Tune 0 (0%)

Digit 1 (20%)

Lockette 1 (20%)

Piff won with 4 votes.
Chatta and Amora are tied for second with 2 votes each.
Digit and Locket are tied for third with 1 vote each
And Tune is last with no votes Sorry Tune but your to snooty.
Well thats all. ^U^