Hello Blog Readers,
I started a fan fiction with my OC's in it i've got up to chapter 2 heres a preview follow each chapter at this link http://angelaswinxforum.forumotions.com/be-creative-f4/fan-fictions-post-them-here-t61.htm and heres what i have so far
Title: Belle's Farie Rescue
Athor: Winx4eva
Breif Summary: Belle's little sis Cara is being attacked by one of Cara's old frieds who turns out to be a witch and Belle has to save her
Characters: Cara, Belle, Chloe, Prince the orange tabby cat and some miner witnesses. (Belle is not in the first few chapters)
Rating: PG for some witchey action
Genre: Action
Chapter 1, Groceries and Fat Cats
Cara was riding on her bike on her way home from shopping. Prince her adoarble pet cat meowed as he dug himself a safe spot from the wind in the basket on her bike. Cara knew he diden't like the wind blowing in his fur but she loved it. The cool refreshing feeling on her face and in her hair. She made sure to keep her hair in a ponytail, All except her long shaggy bangs. She absoluty adored the way the wind blew her bangs out of her face.
" Come on Big Boy." Cara said as she lifted Prince out of the basket and carried him in. " We got to get the grocires in." "MEOW!" Prince cried as Cara lifted him out of the basket then realized there not moving anymore. As Cara walked in it was to quiet in a house for a familey of five. "Humm no ones home." Cara put prince down and he ran off to her room. "DON'T GET TO COMFY PRINCE!" Cara yelled to prince who is now on her bed. Cara picked up an old napkin and pen a wrote
Off in the park with Prince.
Be back soon
She put the note on the countertop got prince and they were off.
Chapter 2, Gardenia Park
Cara covered prince with the little pink and blue baby blanket she kept in the basket. "There you go nice and warm and you don't need the hot rotissaray chickin beside you do you now." Most the times he just comes out of the blanket and sits on Cara's laptop but he knows that blanket. He always sits snugaley in that blanket nice and warm and away from the wind.
A few minuets later they were at the park. Cara got out prince's leash and they went to the ice cream stand after parking her bike. She sat down on the nearist bench and tied Prince's leash to the arm, of the bench all he did was lay down like the lazy kitty cat he was
. When she was done with her ice creeam her and Prince went to the feild. The next thing she knew Prince was licking her nose.
When she awoke it was extrelemy foggy. So foggy she coulden't see her feet. So foggy she couldent see her own cat's tail. So foggy she could barly even see her own cat. Cara picked up prince and looked at her watch. "I've only been asleep for around five minuets. Theres no way this much fog can form in only five minuets." Then Cara took a deep breth and relized it wasent fog... it was smoke