Hello blog reader,

Welcome to my blog. I would greatly apprecitite that if you visit please leave a comment. Thank You.



Hello Blog Readers,
I hope to be getting some new viewers soon, there has not been alot to post about since 4-kids got rid of WC and then not much news has been going on. So pleas forgive me for not posting soo often.


Hello Blog Readers,
Late in posting this... As ush... well site updates a wintery theme cuz winter seems to come early and stay late every year...BTW did u know winter is the only season that goes through twice a year not something u would think about huh? Well anyways hears the header if you wanna use it for some thing that needs a link...


Hello Blog Readers,

So sorry i havent posted in like 4ever! But with maving and starting a new school (well kinda new) and getting a job ( not 4 me though 4 my mom) and alot of other sites to be sure to keep track of its been pretty hard to go on and post daily like i used to be able to. well any ways tell wat u think of my new pic...
Also ive been drawing chibi believix gorls and working on drawing roxy and ill have the up as soon as i can.
oh and enjoy the new site updates including a new poll and i got rid of the older ones that wernt getting many votes. Oh and Happy Thanks giving everyone
and dont foget to visit my site http://winx4evastotalwinx.webs.com/ and enter m caontest (open to everyone!!!!



Hello Blog Readers,

So nevermind the "Can't get all the prizes if youre not a member" but i would still aprecite if you become a member.

Anyways scince im back in Mississippi and started school and all i cant go on as often. Ill try to go on during the weekdays but with all the homework im getting soo far i can only go on Saterday and Sunday



Hello Blog Readers,

Season 5 is a While Away (Summer of 2011 is my guess) but in the mean time i want anyone with officle info on season 5 pleaase share. also in honer of my site finally being up i am holding a Fan Fiction contest. More details will be up on the site

soon at Winx4eva's Total Winx
(you dont have to be a member to enter but you cant get all of the prize if your not.)



This weeks poll is...
Do you think winx club shoould have popular celebirty (like selena gomez taylar swift etc.) Gueststar to raise viewers?

If you answer "Huh?" the go ahead and ask whats confusing you

Selena Gomez Winx Style

In other words try to figure out this puzzle

Winx Club Picture Puzzle



Hello blog readers,
A while ago the poll was ove but i wasent able to go online so i couldent change it. And my computer is still having troubles so for now heres this weeks poll results...

In honner of Pop Pixie What is the cuteist Pixie

Chatta 2 (40%)

Amorea 2 (40%)

Piff 4 (80%)

Tune 0 (0%)

Digit 1 (20%)

Lockette 1 (20%)

Piff won with 4 votes.
Chatta and Amora are tied for second with 2 votes each.
Digit and Locket are tied for third with 1 vote each
And Tune is last with no votes Sorry Tune but your to snooty.
Well thats all. ^U^


Total Winx site

My Total Winx site is now up and running plz go visit. Heres the link
yes im late i know well heres last weeks poll resluts
Green 3 (50%)
Pink 4 (66%)
Blue 1 (16%)
Orange 1 (16%)
Yellow 0 (0%)
Purple 1 (16%)
Red 2 (33
This weeks poll is
In honner of Pop Pixie What is the cuteist Pixie


New Header (Once Again)

Yes I have changed the header once again cuz i finall found some good sized picture of winx in 3d belivex also made on http://mybannermaker.com/ the effect was line detect so it looks like it was hand drawwn but its not.


Good New & Bad News

Okay i have some good news and some bad news
Good News: Pop Pixie Update i will now be updating with pop pixie on pop pixie for starters here's some pics i found on google images

also go to this link to watch and official English trailer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fzGSq2ET0xw sorry cant download any one of them so i cant post it.
Okay now the
Bad News: Its official guys 4kids has completely wiped out all traces of winx club from their site.


Dont Be Afraid To Trace

I traced this picture
And now im amazing at drawing winx club i dont even have to do the guide line. Tracing can help you draw in the furter.


okay somehow i put the wrong vid up (so so sorry) but if you want to see it this is the link http://flipnote.hatena.com/568FF6D01E239648@DSi/movie.edit/239648_09514E4A26993_002 its my computer sorry
hello well i made this almost a year ago and i thought id share it with you all......yes its pathetic but that was like just after i found out about winx club and became a fan and i couldent draw winx ethier then soo...yeah


hello. well the blog design is being changed once againg cuz well the school theam just isent doing me to well so this is my new poster hope you enjoy.


Winx Club Dolls (Prices Places To Buy And More)

As most of you know Mattel has taken there winx club dolls of the shelfs to make room for new dolls. I only became a fan of Winx Club after the dolls have come off. So I can only get a doll (I dont have one)From online stores like Amazon Or E-Bay (well not e-bay bcuz they have a bad return policy.)

On amazon.com you can find alot of winx club item for just a penny (not including S&H) pretty much anything (xcept DS games and yes dolls) but i find it ezer to go on to this link http://www.google.com/prdhp?hl=en&tab=wf and Search Winx club dolls bloom (or what every doll you want just dont do just "Winx Club Dolls" cuz then there will be more doll accessories then dolls) then put youre price range xsample " 10 to 20" you can find the price ranger on the side bar under the less spacific price ranges that are there atomaticley. the higher the price you put in the more dolls there will be. Thats all for now bye.

'Winx4eva A.K.A Cara-Bug
YAY I FINALLY FIGURED OUT HOW TO PUT VIDEOS ON MY POST! okay well to start us off here...

WOO HOO finally a trailer!!!!


okay the polls r closed and i will start work on my FF when i wake up soon it will be done.

also im going to redo my site againg the school theam just isent working for me.... but i am going to hold a comtest for a theam so its not like a real contest no prize when i have more dets ill post up a real contest with a prize and all (i will not acept home adresses so it will be an internet prize sorry)


Hello today i have some outfits i did on a really cool site girlsense.com here ther are

there r some mistakes like stella dosent have wings bloom dosent have her little tiara and musa dosent have sparkels but i think there still pretty good

My charachters name is rozerox10 help me become a pro by vistibf buying and faving.


okay so the next post about my ff is gonna be when its done but im stuck on a chapter and need help. i cant figure out what cloe's attacks should be. i need three so im gonna put up three polls for you to vote on a suprise attack a stight on attack and a trap. she has the power of the moon (i am not copying stella she is sun and moon) if you have any other ideas for spells then plz say so in the comments or chat box.


Okay in my FF (Fan Fiction) i metion a cat named prince well heres a drwan pic instead of just some randome cat that i found on google


Hello Blog Readers,

I started a fan fiction with my OC's in it i've got up to chapter 2 heres a preview follow each chapter at this link http://angelaswinxforum.forumotions.com/be-creative-f4/fan-fictions-post-them-here-t61.htm and heres what i have so far

Title: Belle's Farie Rescue
Athor: Winx4eva
Breif Summary: Belle's little sis Cara is being attacked by one of Cara's old frieds who turns out to be a witch and Belle has to save her
Characters: Cara, Belle, Chloe, Prince the orange tabby cat and some miner witnesses. (Belle is not in the first few chapters)
Rating: PG for some witchey action
Genre: Action

Chapter 1, Groceries and Fat Cats

Cara was riding on her bike on her way home from shopping. Prince her adoarble pet cat meowed as he dug himself a safe spot from the wind in the basket on her bike. Cara knew he diden't like the wind blowing in his fur but she loved it. The cool refreshing feeling on her face and in her hair. She made sure to keep her hair in a ponytail, All except her long shaggy bangs. She absoluty adored the way the wind blew her bangs out of her face.

" Come on Big Boy." Cara said as she lifted Prince out of the basket and carried him in. " We got to get the grocires in." "MEOW!" Prince cried as Cara lifted him out of the basket then realized there not moving anymore. As Cara walked in it was to quiet in a house for a familey of five. "Humm no ones home." Cara put prince down and he ran off to her room. "DON'T GET TO COMFY PRINCE!" Cara yelled to prince who is now on her bed. Cara picked up an old napkin and pen a wrote

Off in the park with Prince.
Be back soon
She put the note on the countertop got prince and they were off.

Chapter 2, Gardenia Park

Cara covered prince with the little pink and blue baby blanket she kept in the basket. "There you go nice and warm and you don't need the hot rotissaray chickin beside you do you now." Most the times he just comes out of the blanket and sits on Cara's laptop but he knows that blanket. He always sits snugaley in that blanket nice and warm and away from the wind.

A few minuets later they were at the park. Cara got out prince's leash and they went to the ice cream stand after parking her bike. She sat down on the nearist bench and tied Prince's leash to the arm, of the bench all he did was lay down like the lazy kitty cat he was . When she was done with her ice creeam her and Prince went to the feild. The next thing she knew Prince was licking her nose.

When she awoke it was extrelemy foggy. So foggy she coulden't see her feet. So foggy she couldent see her own cat's tail. So foggy she could barly even see her own cat. Cara picked up prince and looked at her watch. "I've only been asleep for around five minuets. Theres no way this much fog can form in only five minuets." Then Cara took a deep breth and relized it wasent fog... it was smoke


Hey Blog Readers,

Okay two things. One since school is gonna start soon (in fact where I'm moving school has already started) so I'm redecorating my blog school style i even have a new poster. also i can make you a custom site/blog poster like the past two I've had.

Two here are some bookmarks i made on blingee.com (I like the Roxy one best)



Hey all. So today angela posted on her site that she wrote to mattel asking if they could bring the winx club dolls back and ask for us to do the same with an exsample of a letter and a link with the contact info. But i would recomend you go to the site and see more about it. Thanks



hey sorry i dident come back on in chicago but we were to busy exploring the city i even got to go on a boat ride in a really pretty river p.s. the no internet acess lasted longer than i hoped its a long-ish story and the keyborad im typing on is pretty confusing (i couldent even find the g!!) more details on what happend in a later post.


Hey turns out the Chicago train station has INTERNET im gonna come back on in about half an hour for more details


hello like i said a few post ago I'm going on a train trip tomorrow and i won't have computer access for 4 days so no blog updates but on the bright side on the train i will be thinking of ideas for my first contest but i will not take home addresses so only a virtual prize will be available more details when i get back. Gonna miss u all.
this post is just to say hi i like ur blog or something else nice in the comments or just to let me know that u stopped by. rulz be nice no rude language
or anything like that or i can ban you being the blog owner i can delete comments so if you post something after ur banned i will delete it.
how cute does flora look in a pony tail?!?!?!?!?!?!?!


hey so I'm canceling the site updates for a while till i can actually figure out "how" to update it so sorry if you've been waiting for the site to come out also about the fan fiction i found there was a small prob with it so I'm having to do some re writing so everything will fit just right thx for your Patience
Hey sorry i havent posted in a looong while but i was on vaca for about three months and very limitid comeputer time but im going back to oregon on monday and packing to move to mississippi ill talk later see ya


CALLING ALL SONGWRITERS!!!!!! Musa's B-day was may 30th and in celabration the winx site http://online.winxclub.com/centro-web/ is holding a contest. For more info go to this link http://online.winxclub.com/centro-web/?wicket:bookmarkablePage=:sg.rbwmedia.centro.web.page.NewsPage&newsType=1&type=2&id=972&page=0 . Long isen't it? =D =D =D =D


Hi sorry I haven't posted in a while but i haven't found any new news, But I did make a roxy avatar feel free to save it and use it for youre profile icon. + I will make more later. I guess thats it. Bye =D


Better Great News

Winx club season 4 has repeat HAS came out in english on rai!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Great news!!!! I have found out that season 4 of winx club will probably come out August 15th this year.


okay so soon i will have my winx club site officaley up with a grand opening contest the site is called totalwinxclub.weebly.com i'll post when the contest is open with the objetove rules and prizes so i will say this early good luck
Hey=D. So i'm thinking about changing the blog name to just winxclub4eva.blogspot.com if that name is open. I'll talk about it more when i'm completely confirmed that i'm changing the name.


this is some of the pictures

hey so im gonna start fan fiction the first one im doing is like a lost episode from season 1. its a good story about the trix useing a new spell to turn some one in to your minon but when thay attacked thay missed flora musa and layla. i have the pictures done now i need the final details on the story and ill post it. kay well i guess thats it.


okay so yesterday i posted some winx alter egos so i made the rest of the girls here thay are