Hello blog reader,

Welcome to my blog. I would greatly apprecitite that if you visit please leave a comment. Thank You.



Hello Blog Readers,

So sorry i havent posted in like 4ever! But with maving and starting a new school (well kinda new) and getting a job ( not 4 me though 4 my mom) and alot of other sites to be sure to keep track of its been pretty hard to go on and post daily like i used to be able to. well any ways tell wat u think of my new pic...
Also ive been drawing chibi believix gorls and working on drawing roxy and ill have the up as soon as i can.
oh and enjoy the new site updates including a new poll and i got rid of the older ones that wernt getting many votes. Oh and Happy Thanks giving everyone
and dont foget to visit my site http://winx4evastotalwinx.webs.com/ and enter m caontest (open to everyone!!!!
